Identify Trade Opportunities with New Shipment Data from Turkey

Get key insights from up-to-date imports and exports

Descartes Datamyne continually enhances and updates its global trade database of more than 160 countries and 250 global markets so that companies doing business internationally can strengthen the competitiveness of their supply chains on an ongoing basis.

Out latest addition is provide comprehensive trade data for Turkey. Based on Bills of Lading data, this addition includes up-to-date commodity descriptions, volumes, values, and shipper names and other details.

Enhance Your Global Competitive Edge

Save time and effort in finding new suppliers and buyers, seeing what others are paying for goods similar to yours, and tracking shipments from all modes of transport.

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Enhance the Effectiveness of Your Trade Research

  • Find New Suppliers and Buyers
  • Compare Pricing for the Same Commodity
  • Track Shipments from All Modes of Transport

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