Streamlining Transit: Understanding New Computerised Transit System Phase 5 (NCTS)

The New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) is a digital system developed by the European Union for the management of goods moving in transit between signatory countries under the Common Transit Convention (CTC).  

The Convention means that goods can move much more easily between the EU and the so-called Common Transit Countries (Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, UK and Ukraine). In this way, the simplified rules, such as mutually recognised financial guarantees for customs transit and less controls, help to cut down on costs for businesses and provide greater flexibility determining the point of clearance into the EU. 

The NCTS allows customs authorities and transport operators to submit and process transit declarations including allowing for real time monitoring and control of the transit movement. The system is designed to streamline transit procedures and reduce documentation requirements, while improving security, reducing the risk of fraud, and improving customs control. The system has been in place since 2005 and has been updated several times to improve functionality and enhance security. 

The deadline for the NCTS Phase 5 UK upgrade migration is the 1 July 2024, make sure your business is prepared. Download our free ebook today by completing the form on the right or schedule a no obligation discovery call with one of our solution experts to ensure your business is prepared and ready for the upgrade - 

Some key highlights covered in this ebook:

  • What is the NCTS Phase 5 upgrade all about? 
  • Additional features of NCTS Phase 5 
  • NCTS Phase 5 – Messages Flow 
  • How the new structure looks
  • The benefits of the new upgrade

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