Get the Second Installment in the Series: Collecting Data & Effective Integration:

Freight forwarders know that they need to provide an easy way for their customers to book, rate, track, and ship on-demand. The only way to do this is to collect data, use it effectively, and to better integrate with logistics partners and customers.

This ultimate guide is the second in a series on how the freight forwarding market is changing and what to do it about it. Filled with easy-to-understand practical take-aways, this piece delivers the real-world insight you need to connect with others in the logistics chain and use that information to deliver what customers expect!

  • Customer-Facing Enablement – Today’s customers have high expectations. They anticipate online visibility, continuous communication, and self-service access.
  • Collecting Data and Effective Integration – Seamlessly passing data between trading partners with data-driven analytics is fundamental to effective digitization. Please download to the right
  • Effective Automation – Automating as much manual work as possible can free resources and help forwarders untangle from legacy analog-driven, labor-intensive processes.
  • Global Price Management (GPM) - Learn about a new class of digital solutions for forwarders called Global Price Management that is helping forwarders differentiate their service offering and improve the bottom line.