Mobi Print gives users the ability to print their documents, PDF’s, images, or data variables in a true mobile environment. Mobi uses a technology called interapp data sharing and recently our iOS 8 extension allows for a complete seamless print process. We have taken the hard work out of implementation and built in the SDK’s and development of mobile manufactures hardware. This allows us to print PDF’s, images, data strings and other variables into our app for printing.

Mobi Print has partnered with the top hardware vendors to integrate the native languages for MfI bluetooth printing to an actual Mobile printer. For older wifi devices, we even have support for adhoc printing. Mobi Print can print receipts/labels to any ios mobile printer, ipad mobile printer, iphone mobile printer…in sizes 2″, 3″ & 4″. As of version 3.10, our ios8 extension allows the user never to leave the source app, whether its a Native app, webservice app, or from Filemaker or cloud service. Not to mention we also print to Zebras entire line of ZPL or CPCL printers in Wifi mode.

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