Fleet Microlearning

Improve Compliance, Productivity, Reduce Turnover & Improve Fleet Safety with an Effective Microlearning Fleet Safety Program

Not all fleet vehicle drivers have completed extensive training or have years of experience under their belt. This can be problematic for logistics companies, leading to accidents, injury or death, lawsuits, and high driver turnover rates. 

By implementing a convenient microlearning-based training program, companies can create and reinforce a culture of safety that improves drivers’ knowledge and skills on the road, making the entire fleet more aware of their driving habits and increasing productivity.  

Help protect drivers, the public, and your operation with a fleet safety program that delivers relevant training topics, at the right time, so drivers retain the information and put what they learn into practice.  

Fleet Microlearning Capabilities

Fleet Resource Center

Expand Your Routing, Mobile & Telematics Knowledge