Fleet Driver Safety Training
Keep Drivers Current with the Latest Safety or Operational Requirements
Accidents on the road can have serious consequences, including increased costs and negative impact on productivity and fleet reputation. Many of these mishaps are the result of poor driver behavior, which can be prevented or corrected swiftly when captured.
Improve the effectiveness of your safety training program with a streamlined approach that keeps drivers productive, helps ensure training comprehension, gives managers visibility to training process, and helps reinforce a culture of safety.
Descartes’ Safety Platform covers proactive and reactive training using a microlearning approach that keeps drivers behind the wheel and helps enforce training compliance and allows managers to focus on the few drivers who need help. The proactive training regularly serves up training modules from a library of high-quality videos to keep drivers up to date and compliant. The reactive training combines in-cab cameras and telematics to capture driving events, evaluates their severity, and provides relevant training to help prevent poor driver behavior in the future.
Proactive Training
- Microlearning-based training can be completed in minutes.
- Access to industry-leading training content.
- Address delivery best practices.
- Track driver performance.
- Managers only need to focus on non-complying drivers.
- Documented training records.
Reactive Training
- Capture poor driver behavior or accidents as they occur.
- Human review to validate incident and recommend training.
- Training immediately available upon next driver log in.
- Microlearning-based training can be completed in minutes.
- Helps prevent future events through training and simplify claims verification.
Elevate the driver training experience right in the Descartes mobile solution, where training is seamlessly integrated into the drivers’ workflow.
Mark Wolle, Cubic Carriers Inc.
"This safety program is the best in the business. It is designed to keep safety a top priority and has helped our drivers exceed in being professional drivers."