Descartes in the News

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Inside Shipping examines the impact of the Red Sea crisis on U.S. container imports, sharing findings from Descartes’ February global shipping report that shows, while there have been port transit time delays, containerized U.S. imports rose 7.9% in January versus December.
With 76% of supply chain and logistics operations experiencing notable workforce shortages according to Descartes’ recent study, especially in transportation, Commercial Carrier Journal highlights the importance of retaining existing drivers and outlines why a driver advisory board is an effective way to gain valuable insight into the workforce to improve driver retention.
Industry analyst and Talking Logistics host Adrian Gonzalez speaks to Descartes’ Chris Jones on the state of workforce shortages in supply chain and logistics today and how the issue is affected by factors such as a company’s financial performance, growth, employee turnover and view of the importance of supply chain operations to the business.
With product returns taking a bite out of profit margins, eCommerce Fastlane shares strategic tips from Descartes’ Richard McNish on how to minimize the costly burden of returns. McNish offers insights into how to transform reverse logistics processes from a cost center to an opportunity to strengthen customer relationships, hone brand identity, and improve customer retention.
Taking advantage of duty recovery and optimization is a smart but often overlooked strategy for trimming costs. Inside Logistics shares insights from Descartes’ Ted Rowe on how companies and identify—and recover—customs duty overpayments and learn strategies to fine tune how goods are classified to prevent future overpayments. See p. 27!
With product returns taking a bite out of profit margins, eCommerce Fastlane shares strategic tips from Descartes’ Richard McNish on how to minimize the costly burden of returns. McNish offers insights into how to transform reverse logistics processes from a cost center to an opportunity to strengthen customer relationships, hone brand identity, and improve customer retention. #reverselogistics #logistics #ecommerce