UK Customs - Demo Videos
See how easy it is to perform the following tasks with Descartes e-Customs.
Import Customs Declarations
An overview of how to submit an import customs declaration with Descartes’ e-Customs. The video shows how easy it is and takes the user through a step-by-step process for submitting a customs declaration for imports in less than 2 minutes.

Export Customs Declarations
An overview of how to submit an export customs declaration. The step-by-step video shows how easy it is to submit an export customs declaration to HMRC in around 2 minutes, including how errors can be picked up prior to submission.

EIDR - Entry in Declarant’s Records
A step-by-step video guide to submitting an EDIR using Descartes’ e-Customs with a list of the required information. Showing how with previously setup product data the tariff calculations are quick and easy to amend or submit

NCTS Arrival Declaration
(New Computerised Transit System)
Arrival of a Transit Movement using simplified procedures, showing the approval to unload a vehicle in a step-by-step overview video using Descartes’ e-Customs. A fast process which includes notifications to the sender of receipt.

NCTS Departure Declaration
(New Computerised Transit System)
How to complete a Transit Declaration, showing the information required and the forms used to collect the information. This video shows how an error is identified and easily edited in Descartes’ e-Customs before submission.

ICS – Import Control System
Safety & Security declarations
This video shows how having previously created a template it is very easy to complete and submit a Safety & Security Declaration, even multi-item declarations with Descartes. In just a couple of minutes a declaration can be completed and acknowledged.

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