Helping to Enable Compliance with Customs Regulations & Procedures in the UK and Beyond
Customs regulations are changing, both in the UK and throughout the world. Keeping pace with the evolving regulatory environments is a primary challenge for traders, customs brokers and forwarders who move goods across borders. Beyond this, in today’s competitive environment, businesses require an advanced system that can boost productivity, streamline workflows and enable compliance.
Descartes e-Customs™ is a secure, web-based solution that can help filers submit the data to HMRC and other government agencies from within a concise, easy-to-use interface. From template-driven declarations, client-specific data and the ability to duplicate previous declarations, Descartes e-Customs can adapt to the multiple ways that companies operate. Our solution includes multiple options to support the needs of both small and large operations. Traders can manage inbound and outbound declarations from within one advanced solution.
In addition, Descartes e-Customs can help traders transition to the updated Union Customs Code (UCC) processes as these procedures are implemented. The solution can also help businesses achieve and maintain Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) status such as advanced audit-based controls, the ability to identify the customs status of goods and more.
As a leader in the field of regulatory compliance, Descartes e-Customs offers one of the most robust choices of modules available in today’s marketplace. Engineered with a turn-key product structure, users can add further capabilities and functionality as their business expands.
Modules and options include:
Descartes e-Customs National Export System (NES):
- Supports all NES declaration types including Exit Summary Declaration (EXS) Safety & Security and others
- Displays replies and status updates from HMRC in real-time as they are received
- Includes a full range of audit reports and enquiry functions to help manage export movements
- Provides proof of export and meets HMRC requirements to monitor for non-arrived, departed or assumed-departed statuses
- Transfers data from exports to New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) quickly and easily
- Includes comprehensive Denied Party Screening (DPS) capabilities
Descartes e-Customs New Computerised Transit System (NCTS):
- Offers comprehensive functionality for traders authorised to start or finish transit movements across the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) zone under Simplified Procedures (SP)
- Manages functionality for Normal Procedures (NP) that require users to present goods to an approved Customs location to obtain a Travelling Accompanying Document (TAD)
- Incorporates leading Extensible Mark-up Language (XML) protocols with backup e-mail capabilities to ensure seamless communication
Descartes e-Customs External Temporary Storage Facility (ETSF):
- Features advanced functionality to streamline trade at Cargo Community System (CCS) UK inventory-linked airports
- Enables goods to be moved from the Frontier to be held in temporary storage
- Provides full location control of goods held under the authorisation as required by HMRC
Descartes e-Customs Excise Movement and Control System (EMCS):
- Manages a trader’s excise movements with access at warehouse or site level
- Utilises templates and detailed product standing data to minimise data entry requirements
- Incorporates automated fall-back routines and removes the need to double key information should the HMRC system be unavailable
- Generates Necessary Export (NES) declarations from the export EMCS movement and cross-refers to the EMCS movement to fulfil regulatory requirements
- Produces detailed audit reports to better track and manage the status of outbound movements
- Includes dedicated duty calculations that can be used to confirm Registered Excise Dealers (REDs) declarations or serve as the basis for a REDs declaration
Descartes e-Customs Customs Freight Simplified Procedure (CFSP):
- Covers all CFSP message types including the Simplified Frontier Declaration (SFD) at major UK ports
- Captures a comprehensive audit trail from the SFD, where used, to Final Supplementary Declaration (FSD)
- Supports multiple audit reports to assist with HMRC audit requirements
Descartes e-Customs Designated Export Place (DEP):
- Offers advanced functionality to receive, arrive and obtain permission to progress goods from an authorised business’s own premises
- Connects to the CCS UK inventory system for HMRC control purposes
- Quickly creates declarations from DEP records
- Easily links to existing export declarations
Descartes e-Customs Inward Processing Relief (IPR):
- Helps traders manage IPR authorisation online from a streamlined user interface
- Creates and disposes of stock using import, CFSP and NES messages
- Periodic reporting and generation of returns for submission to HMRC
Descartes e-Customs Import:
- Allows for all declaration types at all major inventory-linked UK ports
- Connectivity to all the major ports as covered by the inventory operators CCS-UK, MCP, Community Network Services (CNS) and Descartes Pentant™ solutions
- Enables non-inventory import declarations and post-import declarations such as warehouse removals and diversion declarations from Temporary Admission (TA), IPR or Processing Under Customs Control (PCC)
- Delivers advanced reporting to enable better control over import entries and to effectively manage Deferment or FAS liabilities
- Includes additional CNS Courier functionality
Descartes e-Customs Import Control System (ICS):
- Submits Import Control System (ICS) details securely and safely prior to the goods arrival
- Helps carrier or airline, third parties file entry summary (ENS) declarations as well as diversion and arrival notifications, with the carriers knowledge and consent
- Interfaces with the UK ICS system using both the HMRC Trader Front End (TFE) and CSP routes to deliver all the ICS messages including Entry Notification Summary, amendments, diversion and arrival messages
Descartes e-Customs Duty Management System:
- Helps coordinate customs warehouses, managing both bonded and free circulation stocks
- All removal scenarios are catered for with declaration generation as appropriate
- Users can opt for either FIFO or specific stock allocation
- Integrated Stock receipt and declaration processing is provided for to meet HMRC requirements
- Removals from warehouse can either be under CFSP or normal procedures
- Full audit trail and management information reporting tools are provided to enable users to effectively control the process
- Includes Excise Warehousing and Reporting